Five Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Store
Today I want to talk about some strategies you can employ to drive more traffic to your store. Everyone loves a bargain and I am going to explain how to use the following tools to provide one for your customers. I am going to go over the use of in-store markdowns, email marketing, in-store rewards programs, online advertisement, and general local advertisement. So let’s dive right in!

In-Store Markdowns
Everyone loves to go into a store and find the item they are looking for cheaper then they anticipated. Markdowns are a great way to achieve this. Even better, the Liberty Software is configured to automatically markdown items for you. You can choose to add the markdown pricing to the tag itself, or leave it off and use the element of surprise at the Point Of Sale. Your other option is to use markdowns based on tag colors and specific times of the year. Want to sell all your Christmas Holiday items during the month of December, well with tag color markdowns you can do that. All you need to do is configure it to do so and Liberty will do the rest. The best part is, once the word gets out that your items will be discounted, more people will come to your store looking for those bargains.

Email Marketing
Just about every company does it now and if you are not doing it, you are behind the curve. Advertising through email is crucial. There is not one single day where I check my email and there is not an advertisement from a store selling their items at a discounted price. Restaurants, wholesalers, retail stores, and yes consignment stores are all using email marketing. You can advertise your sales, offer discounts, coupons, referrals, it’s a great way to market your business. The best part, Liberty comes programed with a nice marketing tool that allows you to send marketing emails to your customers.

In-Store Rewards Program
Like Marketing, just about every store offers some kind of reward for their customers. I am a member with all my favorite stores and restaurants and I love to take advantage of any discount or freebie they offer to me. Whether it’s a points system, Birthday reward, free items based on criteria or discount for spending so much money, customer like to be rewarded for being loyal to the store, and the Liberty Software provides a way to do that.

Online Advertisement
Let’s face it, a lot of people spend their time online. On just social media alone people spend an average of 2 hours a day. That’s an average. Considering there a lot of people who still don’t even use the internet. I would say a true average would be about 4 hours a day. So what does that mean? It means you have to be in the face of the customer. To do that you will want to consider advertisement through social media sites like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. Content sites like Youtube and iTunes. Everywhere the customer turns, you want to have your store in their face.

Finally, there is a good old fashion advertisement. Newspapers, magazines, local flyers. Maybe your area has a local marketing magazine or periodicals for the local businesses you can get in. One of the most popular periodicals is the Pennysaver. The Pennysaver is a free community periodical available in North America that advertises things for sale along with TV shows, Entertainment, and notices. Another great form of local advertisement is through radio ads. Do you have a catchy Jingle? How about something funny (Jake from State Farm comes to mind)? How about an annoying tune? There is a reason why people hate certain commercials, but in the end, they remember those products that were represented and often went for them.

Bonus Strategy - Quid Pro Quo!
Here is a bonus suggestion for advertisement, and one not a lot of store think of. Quid Pro Quo or the idea of “If you scratch my back, I will scratch your.” Meaning stores help each other out. Yes, you might be in business against a competitor store, but here at Resaleworld, we have heard it too often, stores helping each other out. A customer comes into a store that specializes in clothing, and the customer asks about a couch, you might refer them to Freddy’s Fabulous Furniture Market up the road. And If they go to Freddy’s asking about some baby clothes, he might send them to you. Not only are stores working together to promote business, but they are working together to help run businesses giving tips and in some cases supplying help.
The more people in the store, the better your chances of selling something. And there is no better way to get traffic in the store than some of the above-mentioned methods. It’s important to get into the face of the customer and as much as possible. Whether it’s through basic general advertising, online advertising, or just word of mouth, you need to let people know you are out there selling your goods.